Alternatives to Sports Massage for Recovery

If you play any sport, you must take care of your body. One way to do this is by getting a sports massage. However, not everyone can afford to have one every time they need it, especially when training multiple times per day. In this blog post, we will discuss some alternatives for recovery without the use of sports massage!

The Best Alternatives for Sports Massage

Here is a list of alternative ways to recover from your workouts!


Stretching can be done before and after the workout. It will help you with muscles that are sore or tight and improve flexibility in those areas.

The Stick

It has been called the poor man’s massage, remedial therapist melbourne because this tool works great at getting out those deep-seated knots or trigger points the same way a deep-tissue massage does. 

The stick is also known to work quickly, making it perfect for athletes who can’t wait several days before they have another game/race. The stick should only be applied lightly, so make sure not to press too hard when using it.

Inversion Table

Another favourable alternative is inversion tables. Hanging upside down may alleviate any pain associated with compression by stretching the muscles and ligaments around the spine.

Water Therapy

Water therapy will involve submerging yourself into a pool of hot water- not just any kind of pool; it has to be heated for therapeutic purposes. This is great because it helps with muscle spasms or pain due to stretching too hard during sports activity. 

It also provides relief on sore muscles.


Physiotherapy helps athletes, patients, and people recover from injuries more efficiently through various techniques.

One type is called dry needling, which helps break up adhesions to relieve pain or stiffness in muscles affected by scar tissue formations.

Dry needling can be used on just about any part of your body- you don’t necessarily have to focus only on areas like your neck for this treatment.

Another technique involves laser therapy, where a small amount of light is delivered into a needle tip then focused onto an injured area. This promotes healing by aiding damaged cells as it provides them with the energy they may not produce themselves.

Ice Baths

These baths consist of ice cubes put into buckets filled with cold water. The act of immersing oneself in the freezing temperatures while sitting down can help with soreness, stiffness, and inflammation.


Rest can be a very underrated way to recover from an intense exercise routine or sports game, but it is essential because muscles need time to rest between workouts to grow stronger!

Healthy Diet

Eating healthy helps you in many ways- one of them being aiding recovery after a workout session. Eating healthy will help you build stronger muscles faster than if you were not mindful of what you consume.

Fight Muscle Soreness by Getting Enough Sleep

One of the best things you can do for recovery is getting enough sleep! By sleeping, your muscles get time to repair any micro-tears that may have occurred during high-intensity workouts or games.

This helps them grow stronger faster than if they weren’t given time to recover while sleeping. Sleeping also releases hormones such as human growth hormone and testosterone needed for muscle building and repairing.

Work Out More Often

Contrary to what many people think, working out more often will help with recovery. It gives your body more opportunities to heal itself before an intense workout routine or game!.

Light Exercise

Light exercise after strenuous activity will help you relax and feel less pain in those areas because it increases blood flow. The best way to do this is by walking for about 15 minutes at a time on days when you are not training as hard.


We hope this article has been helpful, and you’ve found some new ideas for how to treat yourself. If the above methods have piqued your interest, give them a try.

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